Monday, December 11, 2006


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Platforms temporalities along the chain

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Assignment IV: Probe

One possible spatial configuration for a contact points between the two strips that allows to overcome the railway tracks.

Friday, November 10, 2006

How to get the two elements

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Trying to make clearness...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Trying to work on the relationship between the architectural device and ground surface

After Midterm Presentation....

Considering the difference in height between the bridge level close to the Western Station and the railway and metro tracks, there is the possibility to condense in an artificial device that reveals it and in the same time highlights the differences of the level of the ground. This device could have a thickness hosting activities inside itself, a gord platform that would be part of the chain of platforms and multifunctional open spaces mentioned in a previous post.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

°°°Midterm Presentation°°°

Western Station area as future collector/filter of all the fluxes coming not only from tne north-southern infrastructural link but also from the diffuse residential western territory
Moreover it can be read as an HINGE between two branches: north-south connection along the border separating the 19th cent. city from 20th cent. one, and connection of it to the consolidated city (pentagon) .... a graft

An element along the chain of the road “simulating” a ring that is positioned in-between the First and the Second proper rings of Bruxelles, a spatial sequence can be recognized and allows us to conceive it as CHAIN of SPATIAL EVENTS, situations organized along a path that can interact in an alternate way with the other smaller satellite voids that constituite the archipelago. A chain of what? A chain of public spaces, huge platforms of open spaces with containers on top, each of them nearby the other, close but not necesseraly talking each other

This hinge as a platform react differently to the satellite voids on the borders, giving every time diverse declination of this relationship
Using a grid as a neutral instrument to organize our actions in the territory, working with the thickness of the ground we can manage those different intersections between the huge void and its satellites

Topographical Device